To safeguard against unauthorised use of your payment method, we need to verify its rightful ownership. We may request a photo of the deposit method you've used. Depending on the method used, you can verify your deposit method by providing one of the following:
Payment Card -
You can take a photo of your payment card in our document uploader on your profile. This photo needs to show the first 6 and last 4 digits, your name and expiry date. Please cover the other digits for security reasons. We also don't need to see the back, but keep in mind that all 4 corners of the card need to be visible.
Online payment methods -
To verify your online payment method used on your account, you can upload a screenshot displaying your email, account number/ID, recent transactions on your online account, as well as your name and/or company name/logo.
Bank Account -
Provide a bank statement or screenshot from your online banking account displaying your name, the last 6 digits of your bank account number, and the bank's logo/name.
How do I verify an expired or lost card?
If your card has expired or has been misplaced, we may still need to verify that it belonged to you.
We suggest that you first check your online banking account. There may be an option such as “Card History” or “Payment Cards” showing your previous card details. We require a screenshot of the card history, which must also include your name and card number.
If that doesn’t work, you can contact your bank. They can provide a printed proof, which must be signed or stamped by the bank to certify its authenticity.